In 2006, Padukone made her cinematic debut in the Kannada film Aishwarya opposite actor Upendra. She later made a successful Bollywood debut in 2007 with Farah Khan's blockbuster Om Shanti Om opposite Shahrukh Khan. Her performance was well received, earning the actress a Filmfare Best Female Debut Award as well as her first Filmfare Best Actress nomination. Taran Adarsh from indiaFM noted, "Deepika has all it takes to be a top star — the personality, the looks and yes, she's supremely talented too. Standing in the same frame as SRK and getting it right is no small achievement. She comes as a whiff of fresh air!. Padukone was then seen in Siddharth Anand's romantic comedy Bachna Ae Haseeno opposite Ranbir Kapoor and alongside Bipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba. The film, which released on 15 August 2008, performed reasonably well at the box office. Her next film Chandni Chowk To China, released on 16 January 2009, and was a critical and commercial disaster. Padukone's fourth release Love Aaj Kal, released on 31 July 2009 and proved to be one of the biggest hits of 2009. Her first release in 2010 was Excel Entertainment’s Karthik Calling Karthik opposite Farhan Akhtar.
How to Propose to Your Girlfriend
Girlfriend, if lucky, if you ask for something soon! It is important you do not mess.
The following tips and stories to tell your friend how to survive, you will expect!
1. Make it personal! You will be exonerated of any experience in many, especially the two, other than a carbon copy of the idea of place there. So, you love to know.
2. can not be surprised by the answer! or not quite sure that at least 99%, as Yes, most likely is not enough time to say!
3. Its hard to try to surprise you. One of the greatest moments of this life, do not be such an anti-climax!
4. Just add, if they say yes, a public offer? You do not want to turn a humiliating experience!
5. See this ring! This is valuable! Is not a waiter, and is buried in sand to serve as a field! You have to deserve to lose.
6. Make sure you go to a knee! This is old and corny, but it is not always such a let down, a little girl from that, the proposal will be!
7. Experience! You feel silly, but make sure you are, otherwise, I have a mirror in front of it and all these words and life as a stutter, his friends said!
8. Flowers, candles and music and good food: This is a great romance and a romantic setting will make sure that all the relevant expensive.
9. If you get married soon after the winter and spring, and Otherwise, if you have a wedding and planning purposes, for the whole year to prepare for this summer and will select!
10. Finally, Enjoy! This is a great time! Be sure to consider all the possibilities, and only through good luck will be!